I love eating weeds. It is free, super healthy and effortless to grow them. Buying them from a fancy schmancy specialty market is usually very pricey. Early this year, I pulled out an evergreen shrub that was lining my driveway, leaving behind a brown dirt strip of decomposing mulch. I’m sure the neighbors were expecting […]
You are invited to Howling Wolf Farm for a farm open house: with a farm tour, pastured poultry tour, wild plant walk, and lacto-fermentation demonstration. Please be ready to hike through the pastures. Hope you can stay for the potluck — please bring a dish to share, plus a picnic blanket or camp chair. Saturday, […]
I love ice cream, but knowing what I know makes me feel really uneasy about letting my toddler eat commercial ice cream laden with the same ingredients that clean up crews jokingly refer to as “Ethyl Methyl Bad Shit”, at toxic cleanup sites. We make our own ice cream or buy organic. I know Dairy […]
Get to know and befriend your weeds (instead of killing them). You’ll find that they have so much to offer. Introducing – the Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca). Milkweed is the sole food source of monarch butterfly larvae (now I’d feel really guilty if I killed them for the vanity of my lawn). According to Wikipedia, […]
A couple of Saturday’s ago I joined the work crew at Howling Wolf Farm. I imagined I’d spend the day doing back-breaking labor, bent over the fields, the sun cruelly beating the sweat out of me while I planted seedlings in freshly plowed earth. This image was quickly shattered. Having rained steadily the entire week, […]
Moving Towards Sustainability Book Club / Potluck Tues, May 10, 7pm 317 Massachusetts Ave, Haworth 07641 Book: Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our World by HRH The Prince of Wales Please share potluck & discussion even if you haven’t finished the book. More info: www.agroliving.com Traditional Super Foods: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Research with […]
If you shop brand name foods at brand name supermarkets, then Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are in 90% of your food. Top Reasons to avoid GMO foods at all cost: * Evil Terminator Gene * Causes death, cancer and deformities when tested on lab animals * Kills farmers, literally * Pollutes the environment – cides, […]
August 11, 2011